The Man That Calls Himself President, Joseph R. Biden, Denied Entry to Pentagon

Biden Denied Entry to Pentagon

The man who calls himself President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden, was denied entry to the Pentagon on Friday, Real Raw News has learned.

Shortly after a meeting with Democratic lawmakers to discuss ways of imposing more restrictive gun-control legislation, Biden went to Arlington, VA to advocate the merits of his planned withdrawal of all U.S. Armed Forces from Afghanistan. He had also sought to convince military leaders that Iran’s decision to enrich weapons-grade plutonium to 60% did not threaten U.S. interests, said an administration source speaking under condition of anonymity.

But Biden never made it inside.

Our source said U.S. Pentagon Police, part of the Pentagon Force Protection Agency, stopped Biden and his Secret Service detail in their tracks, informing them that they had standing orders to prevent Biden administration members–including Biden–from entering the building. Those orders reportedly included the use of deadly force.

“Biden demanded to know who gave the order, stumbling through his words, and was told the directive came directly from Gen. David H. Berger, Commandant of the United States Marine Corps and a ranking member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. When Biden demanded to speak with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, he was told Milley—a Biden supporter—was no longer in charge,” our source said.

Biden, our source added, became belligerent, saying as the President of the United States he had unrestricted access to all federal properties, including the Pentagon. He then instructed his three-man SS detail to “resolve the issue.”

Pentagon police drew sidearms, our source said.

“The Pentagon Protection Force told the SS agents they’d be making a mistake. That there were over a hundred inside ready to back them up if trouble started. The SS didn’t want any part of that and told Biden he’d have to force his way in himself, if he was so inclined,” our source said.

Moreover, Biden purportedly muttered an unbelievable phrase: “I bet that bastard is inside.”

We can only guess as to whom he was referring, but RRN guesses he meant none other Donald J. Trump. While it seems unlikely, we must remember that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley opposed Trump’s presidency and was one of few high-ranking military leaders who supported Biden’s alleged 2020 victory. It is possible that Gen. Milley was overthrown, and Marine Corps Gen. David Berger has assumed command of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

RRN will provide updates as they become available.

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